Apr 17, 2020 · When you subscribe for internet access for home or business, the Internet Service Provider (ISP) also provides the necessary network settings, including the Domain Name System (DNS) addresses,

How to Choose the Best (and Fastest) Alternative DNS Server Jan 02, 2020 How to Add a Local DNS Lookup to Hosts File Jun 03, 2020

In the General panel, scroll down to Network Settings and click the Settings… button. In the dialog box that opens, scroll down to Enable DNS over HTTPS. On: Select the Enable DNS over HTTPS checkbox. Select a provider or set up a custom provider. Off: Deselect the Enable DNS over HTTPS checkbox. Click OK to save your changes and close the

How To Configure BIND as a Private Network DNS Server on Aug 12, 2014

Dnsmasq accepts DNS queries and either answers them from a small, local, cache or forwards them to a real, recursive, DNS server. It loads the contents of /etc/hosts so that local hostnames which do not appear in the global DNS can be resolved and also answers DNS queries for DHCP configured hosts. Installing dnsmasq is just a case of using apt

A local DNS server which performs domain name lookup is usually located on the network to which your computer is attached. If you are using an Internet Service Provider (ISP), your DNS server is at your ISP. If you are using the network at your college or your office, you probably have a local DNS server somewhere near you at the server room. However, DNS Benchmark doesn't test your ISP's DNS servers. In the screenshot above, for example, it actually says our router—that's the "Local Network Namesaver" is the fastest DNS server. That's because it's physically present on our local network and can immediately return cached results it remembers. DNS is one of the most essential services on any Windows network. Active Directory can't function without DNS, and it's is also used by any number of other network functions.