May 23, 2020

makefile - How to install and use "make" in Windows But I'm using Windows, and I searched online only to find a make.exe file to download, a make-4.1.tar.gz file to download (I don't know what to do with it next), and things about downloading MinGW (for GNU; but after installing it I didn't find any mention of "make"). I don't want a GNU compiler or related stuff; I only want to use "make" in Installation | Yarn Note: Due to the use of nodejs instead of node name in some distros, yarn might complain about node not being installed. A workaround for this is to add an alias in your .bashrc file, like so: alias node=nodejs.This will point yarn to whatever version of node you decide to use.. Path Setup. If Yarn is not found in your PATH, follow these steps to add it and allow it to be run from anywhere. How To Extract & Install tar.gz Files In Ubuntu May 23, 2019 Installation of the JDK and the JRE on Microsoft Windows


How to Open .tar.gz Files (TAR GZ) - Of Zen and Computing May 27, 2020

The Helm project provides two ways to fetch and install Helm. These are the official methods to get Helm releases. In addition to that, the Helm community provides methods to install Helm through different package managers. Installation through those methods can be found below the official methods. From the Binary Releases

Git - Installing Git $ tar -zxf git-2.8.0.tar.gz $ cd git-2.8.0 $ make configure $ ./configure --prefix=/usr $ make all doc info $ sudo make install install-doc install-html install-info After this is … Install and Set Up kubectl | Kubernetes Install with Powershell from PSGallery. If you are on Windows and using Powershell Gallery package manager, you can install and update kubectl with Powershell. Run the installation commands (making sure to specify a DownloadLocation): Install .NET Core on Windows | Microsoft Docs