2020-6-3 · source causes apt-get to fetch source packages. APT will examine the available packages to decide which source package to fetch. It will then find and download into the current directory the newest available version of that source package while respecting the default release, set with the option APT::Default-Release, the -t option or per package with the pkg/release syntax, if possible.

How to fix "unable to locate package" for apt-get on Debian? 2020-6-30 linux-debian下 apt-update失败——CSDN问答频道 2017-9-10 · debian下 apt-update失败 最近开始学习linux 我在尝试使用man时,遇到了一个问题 commond not found 经过搜索得知,需要安装man apt-get install man 结果报错:unable to locate the package man

2019-10-25 · Debian apt的运用命令:apt install (package name) 安装一个包例子:apt install bind9apt list (package name) 根据包名称列出包例子:apt list bind9apt search (package name) 搜索包名例子:apt search bind*一搜索以bind开头的包aapt sh_debian apt-get

Kali 系统 apt-get update更新失败解决方案-无常 …

debian10 更换apt-get源 - 简书

2016-10-22 · Debian 9 使用apt-get update时出现InRelease is expired (invalid since 1h 34min 34s) 的解决方法 Linux DNS客户端解析域名慢解决,DNS优化 选项说明 免费公共 DNS 服务器 IP 大全 未注册的 .cm 域名列表 (每天更新) PHP库 使用COMPOSER 配置 中国镜像 6.2. aptitude、apt-get、與 apt 命令