Working in the CIA really gives you the ability to narrow in very quickly on the most pressing issue. It gives you an ability to prioritize and focus on what’s going to yield the greatest results in the shortest time possible. It also provides really excellent people management skills.

Now all you need to do is figure out whether you should be in the CIA or the FBI. Well, as soon as you get all your household chores done. The FBI focuses on investigating crimes on American soil and also working in counterintelligence, while the CIA is all about gathering, processing, and analyzing national security information from around the On the whole, while it is hardly without warts and has known failure and occasionally even scandal, the CIA is an admirable organization with some unique capabilities and missions vital to our national security. Most staff employees are proud of its achievements and happy to work there. May 17, 2016 · CIA Director John Brennan explains that when he was young he didn't know what he wanted to do with his life -- until he saw an ad in the paper. For more, watch "48 Hours Presents: The Spymasters The Central Intelligence Agency offers a wide range of opportunities for those wanting to serve in the agency's national security and intelligence missions. However, the critical and sensitive nature of CIA work requires that all employees obtain security clearances to ensure candor, character, reliability and overall suitability to access

CIA special agents generally work in either intelligence gathering (clandestine services) or internal investigations. All careers within the CIA require a distinct set of qualifications and characteristics, all of which must be met, as this agency demands only the most qualified and capable individuals to become CIA agents.

On the whole, while it is hardly without warts and has known failure and occasionally even scandal, the CIA is an admirable organization with some unique capabilities and missions vital to our national security. Most staff employees are proud of its achievements and happy to work there. May 17, 2016 · CIA Director John Brennan explains that when he was young he didn't know what he wanted to do with his life -- until he saw an ad in the paper. For more, watch "48 Hours Presents: The Spymasters The Central Intelligence Agency offers a wide range of opportunities for those wanting to serve in the agency's national security and intelligence missions. However, the critical and sensitive nature of CIA work requires that all employees obtain security clearances to ensure candor, character, reliability and overall suitability to access Oct 17, 2019 · The CIA reportedly reads up to 5 million tweets per day. The agency might be monitoring your Facebook feed, too, according to a report by the Associated Press.Why, you ask?

Oct 17, 2019 · The CIA reportedly reads up to 5 million tweets per day. The agency might be monitoring your Facebook feed, too, according to a report by the Associated Press.Why, you ask?

Sep 07, 2008 · I want to be part of an elite corps of clandestine spies who traffic in weapons of mass destruction and narcotics with detailed knowledge of national security. Oh wait, maybe I just want to be in the mafia.