The default configuration of pfSense software allows management access from any machine on the LAN and denies it to anything outside of the local network. There is also an anti-lockout rule enabled by default that prevents firewall rules from being configured in a way that will lock the user out of the web interface.

Here, you will put all IP addresses and fully qualified hostnames of websites you want to allow or block access to. Click Add; Define a name for the Alias i.e. an Alias of the Alias. This is what will appear to you when in pfSense menus so make sure it makes sense to you. You can give a description if you'd like. I just tried to do that following this video tutorial (blocking all inbound and outbound traffic), however, I’m still able to access websites like,,, and quite a few others on this list. pfBlocker-NG appears to be partially working though, because, for example, I can’t access through pfSense, but I can on Go to the Firewall->Rules Page and click on the LAN-Tab. Add a new rule at the top with the following settings: Action: Block Protocol: Any Source: Single Host or Alias | . Please keep in mind, that this will block a single IP-Adress. So if the IP of the Host is changed, it can access the Internet again. Smart idea would be to disable default ALLOW ALL traffic rules– you should remove default LAN firewall rules created by pFSense and define only ports you would like to use – only that way you can block unwanted traffic and better control your LAN-> WAN traffic.

Nov 22, 2016 · You may want to block internet traffic at certain times of day or certain days. You can also get more granular on this an block only certain sites by IP or Block only certain computers on your

This procedure will allow the firewall to block DNS requests to servers that are off this network. This can force DNS requests from local clients to use the DNS Forwarder or Resolver on pfSense® for resolution. When combined with OpenDNS, this allows DNS-based content filtering to be enforced on the local network. You block outbound connections by blocking traffic inbound on the firewall's LAN interface (and any other interfaces). The key to understanding traffic direction with pfSense is to remember that the firewall is the centre of everything, so outbound connections from a given network segment are inbound connections to the firewall interface on

Tutorial:Internet Filtering / Site Blocking Using pfblocker DNSBL on pfsense Lawrence Systems / PC Pickup PIA Internet Access Affiliates Link Tutorial:Internet Filtering / Site Blocking Using pfblo…

In most cases you will only want to block inbound access based on GeoIP data, this will allow internal users to access sites all over the world but block inbound access from regions you do not expect traffic from. GeoIP blocking relies on the MaxMind GeoIP database. While the database is free to use, it does require a MaxMind account and an API Apr 19, 2016 · Instructions on how to block traffic from an internal IP address through pfSense firewall. Daniel Montoya Software Developer Melbourne Apps This procedure will allow the firewall to block DNS requests to servers that are off this network. This can force DNS requests from local clients to use the DNS Forwarder or Resolver on pfSense® for resolution. When combined with OpenDNS, this allows DNS-based content filtering to be enforced on the local network. You block outbound connections by blocking traffic inbound on the firewall's LAN interface (and any other interfaces). The key to understanding traffic direction with pfSense is to remember that the firewall is the centre of everything, so outbound connections from a given network segment are inbound connections to the firewall interface on Apr 21, 2017 · Blocking Facebook is easy because it stand alone, many solution out there, but if you wanna block Youtube, especially Youtube App (Android & iOS) is a bit more job to do because it will be also blocked, for me i use pfsense 2.2.6 (amd64) and here how i do it: Hey gladston3, There's no need for an "block all" rule to block traffic between the LAN ports. The default blocking rule of the firewall will block the traffic between your different subnets if is not explicit allowed by an rule. To access the Internet you need to configure NAT for each subnet first. Jul 30, 2017 · You might as well have a similar one on the faculty network blocking access to LAN too if there’s no need for access to the LAN network. When you’re making firewall rules always be aware that you need access to the pfsense interface address, if you block that then you have to reset to factory settings in order to get back in to fix it, so