Nov 13, 2013

Even with a variety of new ILSs sporting modern UIs and polished brands, Craigslist continues to be a requisite for any property. Before you continue, we suggest brushing up on some Craigslist basics of how to avoid getting flagged or ghosted. Once you are confident that your posts will be seen by your prospects, here is our list of pro-tips to Jul 08, 2015 · Solution: Green ghosting. Green ghosting is done automatically by Craigslist's anti-spam bots. So if your account is green ghosted it is not because someone at Craigslist judged it to be a spammy account, but because your account had enough characteristics of spammy posters that Craigslist's anti-spam bots thought it was spammy. Jan 05, 2013 · Craigslist is upgrading its system continuously to fight against the spammers.Following are some tips for posting ads on craigslist: 1) Use Craigslist registered account: Try to post all ads with phone verified CL accounts. Avoid posting the ads anonymously, rather post the ads with a registered CL account. You should avoid multiple listing of cities. It is advisable not to use typical words from previous classified. If you are editing the previous ad, remove all links and external images from your postings. If you continue them in using, it might get ghosted. If it is required to upload an image, use Craigslist hosted images. Jun 27, 2018 · Fortunately, if you know what to look for, you can avoid most scammers and only deal with people who are looking to buy or sell fairly. Below are some common types of scams on Craigslist, along with how they work and/or why they’re likely scams. We’ll then recap with some general tips for avoiding scams on Craigslist.

How to avoid flagging, ghosting, deletion of ads on Craigslist? Article Our software has many features to help you get ads live and avoid common mistakes that lead to flagging, ghosting, deletion of your ads or even blockage of your account or IP address. At the same time, it is important to understand that the software itself does NOT

Make the most of it. Pull out a thesaurus if needed, but different words in each posting. Craigslist compares the wording in any given ad with all of the others posted. You've likely seen some Craigslist postings where the person will alternate how their phone number is displayed between numerals and spelled-out numbers.

Dec 02, 2009 · Ghosting is a warning from Craigslist to follow its rules. If the rules are violated repeatedly, Craigslist can apply stronger measures: put the Account on hold. Therefore it is important to avoid the mistakes that could have lead to ghosting. Why the Accounts are put On Hold

Use Native/Local IP to Post Live Ads on Craigslist, Always! This point is of paramount importance to … How to Avoid Craigslist Ghosting - EzineArticles Let's look at a few methods on how to avoid ghosting on Craigslist. 1) Make sure your posting content is unique for each and every post. Avoid using strings of similar words. Fresh content is always appreciated and it won't be picked up by the Craigslist server. 2) Make sure your posts are few and far between.