Restricting Access to Content in Drupal 8 - OSTraining

Chapter 04: The Menu System - 堕落的惜花 - 博 … 2013-7-12 · The menu item has enabled Drupal to find and run the menufun_hello() function. Page Callback参数 有时,你可能希望提供更多的信息到映射路径的页面回调函数,首先,路径任何附加的部分都是自动向前传递,让我们像下面一样改变我们的函数 Beginning Drupal 7 - Drupal - 网站系统 - 深度开源 2013-8-16 · Users (or site visitors) in Drupal 7 are divided into two general categories: anonymous users and authenticated users. Anonymous users are individuals who visit your website and do not log in using a user ID and password. If you visit and don’t Developing A Custom Drupal Entity | Phase2

Drupal 7 Tutorial: Creating Edit Content links in Views

7 - Display main menu for logged in users only - Drupal 2020-5-19 · I'm new to drupal and using the latest version (7.x). I want hide the Main Menu in all pages until user log-in to the site. I set the Main Menu block role set to "Authenticated Users" only. But I can see the Main Menu on all pages as anonymous user. How could I hide the Main Menu for anonymous user and show them once logged In ?

Hide menu items. I’ve created two sub-pages under Members: Members Only and Exclusive Content. They are restricted to logged in users only. However, because the page titles still show up on the main menu bar, anonymous users can navigate to those pages.

[Drupal Pathauto][Drupal 7] How to hide the "URL path 2020-6-14 · A number of Drupal users wanted to know how to hide the URL path settings fieldset in a Drupal 7 website. If you are a Drupal user facing the same question in your Drupal site with your Drupal Pathauto module even after using hook_form_alter then read on to find out the solution. how to hide the views from document library or list 2020-7-19 · You can't hide a view from some users and not others, but there is a way to hide a view from everyone, and then you can let your team know that, though hidden, the view still exists.. From the list settings page, choose "Per-location view settings", then select the views you want to hide …